A Wildcard SSL certificate allows for extremely versatile SSL deployment. A single Wildcard can be used to secure communications for an unlimited number of subdomains of a single domain.
Your company can save time and money by using a single wildcard certificate instead of several individual ones. At the conclusion of this post, we’ll discuss the rare circumstances in which using wildcard certificates is a bad idea.
An SSL certificate authority can take the CSR for the root certificate and build a wildcard certificate from it. This certificate can be used by any sub-domain at the same level as the asterisk. For our purposes, the Wildcard pattern would include any and all top-level domains like the following:
Installing an SSL certificate that supports wildcards does not necessitate any additional configuration steps. The process of setting up the certificate should be adhered to consistently as it is a standard.
To make use of a wildcard certificate on a variety of devices, all that is required is for your private key to be added to more servers.
If you generated your CSR on that server, the server service might potentially gain access to your private key. During the process of installing the certificate on every other machine, you will be required to share your private key with the installer. In most cases, the location on the website where you generated your CSR will allow you to immediately copy and paste your private key.
When is it OK to utilize a wildcard SSL certificate?
Wildcard certificates are a cost-effective option for businesses with multiple sub-domains. The value of a wild card cannot be denied in this situation:
One certificate is significantly easier to keep track of than many, and it facilitates growth while maintaining secure connections at a lower cost.
Wildcards are fantastic tools that have countless applications. However, there are several situations in which you shouldn’t utilize a Wildcard.
Separate, high-security environments shouldn’t make use of a “wildcard” certificate. One potential problem, however, exists with the use of secret keys. You increase the risk of exposure to all 13 sites by using the same certificate and private key across numerous domains, system administrators, and departments. Working in an industry that requires a high level of security means using separate certificates and keys for each network and device.
Don’t use a generic identifier for your company. Wildcards are not allowed at the Extended Validation level. The main reason for this is security; extended validation (EV) SSL certificates require the most attention during validation, so allowing anyone to host anything at the sub-domain level is a terrible idea. Sub-domains need to be encrypted with separate certificates or a Multi-Domain certificate with the sub-domains indicated as SANs in order to receive business authentication features like the green EV address bar.
Wildcard SSL Certificates are a popular internet security solution for businesses looking to protect their websites from cyber threats. They provide an extra layer of security by encrypting the data being transmitted, ensuring that any information sent or received is kept safe from prying eyes. Wildcard SSL Certificates also make managing multiple subdomains easier, as they can be used to secure all of the subdomains under the same root domain with a single certificate.
Using Wildcard SSL Certificates is easy. First, businesses need to purchase a Wildcard SSL Certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA), such as Symantec or GeoTrust. The Certificate Authority will then issue an SSL Certificate that has been signed by their Root Certificate. This signed SSL Certificate is then installed on the web server. Once the SSL Certificate has been installed, it will provide a secure layer to the website, providing enhanced security for all transactions taking place.
When installing a Wildcard SSL Certificate, there are a few steps that need to be taken. First, the Domain Name System (DNS) has to be updated with the appropriate entries. This should be done by the website administrator or hosting provider as they will be able to provide the necessary technical assistance. Once the DNS has been updated, the Wildcard SSL Certificate can be installed on the web server. During the installation process, a CNAME record may be required. This record is used to verify that the domain is the owner of the SSL Certificate.
Once the Wildcard SSL Certificate has been installed, the website will become more secure, allowing businesses to be assured that their websites are safe from cyber threats. The Wildcard SSL Certificates can also be used for other subdomains, making them extremely beneficial for businesses with large or complex websites. In addition, the SSL Certificate can be renewed every year, as long as the domain name remains active and valid.
Wildcard SSL Certificates are an effective way to secure a website and the data transmitted over the internet. They provide an extra layer of security, ensuring that any information sent or received is kept private, ensuring that the customer and the business are both safe from malicious activities. Furthermore, the Wildcard SSL Certificates can be used to manage multiple subdomains, making them extremely useful for businesses with complex websites.