The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) of Kolkata recently released the admit cards for the Group D recruitment examination. The online exam is scheduled to be held from September 17th to October 14th, 2019. The admit card can be accessed by the candidates from the official website of RRB Kolkata.
RRB Kolkata Group D Admit Card
The RRB Kolkata Group D Admit Card is a mandatory document for the candidates appearing for the exam. It contains important information like the name of the candidate, date and time of the exam, venue of the exam, and other details. The admit card also serves as a proof of identity for the candidate.
Details and Download Process
The admit card can be accessed from the official website of RRB Kolkata. Candidates need to enter their registration number, date of birth, and security code to download the admit card. The admit card will be available for download in the PDF format.
It is important that the candidates check all the details mentioned in the admit card carefully and ensure that all the information is correct. In case of any discrepancy, the candidates must get in touch with the RRB Kolkata immediately.
The candidates must carry the admit card to the exam center along with a valid photo identity proof. The admit card must be produced during the document verification process.
The RRB Kolkata Group D Admit Card is a mandatory document for the candidates appearing for the exam. It is important that the candidates check all the details mentioned in the admit card carefully and ensure that all the information is correct. Candidates must carry the admit card to the exam center along with a valid photo identity proof.
The RRB Kolkata Group D Admit Card is an important document that can not be ignored while appearing for the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) examination. This admission card is a mandatory document to ensure that the candidate gets access to the examination center to appear for the RRB Kolkata Group D recruitment exam.
The RRB Kolkata Group D Admit Card was released by the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) in the form of a PDF file before the commencement of the examination. It is one of the most important documents which needs to be produced at the examination center without fail. The admit card is made available exclusively on the official websites of the RRB.
All the information related to the candidate such as name, registration number, date of birth, photograph, signature, examination center, time, instruction related to the examination are printed on the admit card. It is mandatory for the candidate to read the guidelines, instruction and other important information mentioned on the admit card carefully.
The RRB Kolkata Group D Admit Card is also a valid photo ID proof that is accepted by the examination authorities. Therefore, candidates must carry the admit card as well as a valid photo ID proof that is issued by the government.
It is highly recommended for the candidates to download and take print out of the admit card before appearing for the examination. Also, without an admit card, no candidate will be entertained at the examination center and their entry will be restricted.
Therefore, all the candidates aspiring to appear for the RRB Kolkata Group D examination must be aware of the fact that the admit card is an important document and they can not appear for the examination without it.