The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is responsible for conducting the recruitment process for Regional Rural Banks (RRBs). The RRB IBPS Admit Card 2019 is an important document for those who have applied for the exam. It provides vital exam details and other related information. In this article, we will discuss how to obtain the RRB IBPS Admit Card 2019 and the details that are included in it.
Obtaining the RRB IBPS Admit Card 2019
The RRB IBPS Admit Card 2019 can be accessed online on the official website of the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS). Candidates need to enter their registration number and password to log in and download the admit card. It is important to note that the admit card will be available only for those who have successfully applied for the exam.
Once the admit card has been downloaded, candidates should check the details carefully. If there are any discrepancies, they should be reported to the IBPS immediately. It is also important to take a hard copy of the admit card and keep it safe until the exam is completed.
Exam Details on the Admit Card
The RRB IBPS Admit Card 2019 includes various details related to the exam. These details include the name of the candidate, their roll number, the exam date, the exam venue, the time of the exam, and the duration of the exam. It also includes the instructions that the candidate must follow on the day of the exam.
The admit card also includes a photograph of the candidate and a signature. Candidates should ensure that the photograph and signature on the admit card match the ones that they submitted with their application. In addition, the admit card also contains important information about the exam, such as the type of questions that will be asked and the marking scheme.
The RRB IBPS Admit Card 2019 is an important document for those who have applied for the exam. Candidates must ensure that they obtain their admit card and check the details carefully. It is also important to take a hard copy of the admit card and keep it safe until the exam is completed.
The admit cards for the RRB (Regional Rural Banks) and IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) have been released for the 2019 recruitment process. These admit cards have been released for both exams – the RRB and IBPS Preliminary Examination and the IBPS Main Examination.
For the Preliminary Examination, RRB Admit card and IBPS Admit Card has been issued separately to registered candidates. The admit cards will carry all the important information like the registration number, venue, date and time of examination, among others.
To access the admit cards, candidates will have to enter their registration number and date of birth. It is advisable to check all the details mentioned on the admit cards carefully to ensure accuracy. Candidates are advised to take multiple copies of the admit card to the examination centre along with a valid ID proof.
The RRB and IBPS Preliminary Exam is scheduled to commence from August 3rd and will be conducted over the next few days for both exams. The main examination for IBPS is expected to commence in November.
Candidates are advised to download and take printouts of the admit cards ahead of time. Also, candidates should be aware of the exam pattern and syllabus before appearing for the exam.
Adequate preparation is necessary in order to gain success in these exams, hence it is advisable to take adequate practice tests and thoroughly prepare for the exams. With the right preparation and dedication, candidates can easily make it through the recruitment process.
All the best for the exams!