Getting urgent funds sometimes seems impossible, especially when you’re already under financial burdens. Who even has the time nowadays to fill out 50-page application forms, visit a bank branch, or wait for a week for loan approval? Keeping that in mind, online lenders are coming up with innovative solutions that can take your burdens off your shoulders.
If you’ve come across the term ‘same day loans’ a lot recently, what’s that hype all about? The name makes it a bit obvious, but we’ll start with the basics to explain this loan type. In the meanwhile, if you’re on the lookout for urgent funds, finding same day loans with WeLoans is a great place to start.
How Much Do You Know about Same Day Loans?
Same day loans offer urgent funds, also called emergency loans. This loan type helps borrowers apply, get approved, and receive the funds within a day in most cases.
You may also be familiar with secured loan types that require you to put an asset or valuable as collateral in exchange for the loan. In the case of same day loans, you don’t have to do that necessarily, which is why they’re called unsecured loans.
Same day loans have multiple benefits besides funding within 24 hours, including unrestricted usage for almost anything. In other words, same day loan providers won’t reject your application if you’re borrowing the money for a vacation and not mortgage rent.
While the benefits are huge, you should also consider the downsides before going for any loan type.
Since same day loans are an urgent funding option, lenders need to charge higher APRs than long-term loan options. Expect APRs as high as 400%, so you should consider a lender carefully and calculate the final repayment amount before signing the deal.
Want to go over more details regarding online loans? Click this page to learn more about same day loans with no credit check on WeLoans.
Can I Get a Same Day Loan with Bad Credit?
If your credit scores have ever dipped, you’d know the troubles that come with it. Banks begin to reject your applications, and there are limited alternatives. In such circumstances, explore same day loans through online lenders.
Nowadays, thousands of online lenders have extended their services to various loan types, including same day loans. Fundings within a day are already a major plus point, but the bad credit acceptability takes it a step forward. Whether your credit scores don’t hit the good score mark or you don’t have a credit history at all, online lenders won’t overlook your application.
So, if same day loans with bad credit don’t ask for great credit scores, what do they look for? There’s a minimum eligibility criterion that online lenders ask for, which we’ll discuss in detail below.
Am I Eligible for Same Day Loans?
Before taking out the time to apply for a loan, you need to know whether you fulfil the basic eligibility criteria required by online lenders to move through with your application.
While traditional lenders have certain strict benchmarks like good credit scores, online lenders won’t ask for those. Here’s all you need to apply for a same day loan for bad credit online:
Legal Age
Lenders have to follow the country’s legal policies for offering same day loans, one of which is that the individual should be of legal age to get a loan or any financial assistance through banks or credit unions. The legal age in the US is at least 18 years old.
Permanent US Residency
Online lenders operating in the US can only extend their services country-wide but not globally. Therefore, you need to be a US citizen and be able to prove it through official documents to get a same day loan online.
Active Bank Account
You can’t get cash in hand from any lender, traditional or online. Instead, lenders need you to provide an active bank account where they can deposit the loan once approved. You can also turn on auto-repayment from your bank account. Don’t have one? Get that opened first.
Sustainable Income Source
Lenders need assurance that a borrower can repay the loan without falling into more debt. To cater to this, they require proof of a stable income source. Online lenders are flexible regarding where the income comes from, but you need to show a regular amount enough to repay the loan.
How to Apply for Same Day Loan for Bad Credit?
If you haven’t spent a lot of time exploring loans on the internet, it may sound overwhelming to apply for one online. Before you start letting the stress get to you, it’s simpler than ever. Here are the steps:
Go to the Website
To get an array of same day loan offers from reputable lenders, visit WeLoans website. You’ll see a services tab in the upper corner. Move your cursor toward it and click on same day loans. Select a loan amount. Then, an application will open that you have to fill out with personal and banking details.
Choose a Lender
WeLoans has cooperated with top-rated lenders in the US. Once the lender checks your application, you’ll receive loan offers within minutes. At this point, you can review the offers yourself and make an informed decision on the offer you want to go for. Lastly, send any additional required information or documents to the lender.
Receive the Funds
You’re done with the procedure. All that’s left is to wait for the funds. However, don’t forget to start planning your repayments so you don’t fall behind.
Final Verdict
When nothing else seems to be working for your financial situation, consider going for same day loans with WeLoans. Lenders with this loan type on their tab don’t have a lot of eligibility requirements, such as 500+ credit scores.
A good credit score may get you better interest rates, but rest assured that online lenders of WeLoans have more than 90% loan acceptance rates for those with bad credit.